Saturday, January 28, 2012

Books! Books! Books!

I have a dream house...

...I know! Me, a 30+ year old guy who's idea of decorating is keeping dirty dishes out of my sink. I have a dream house, or at least several ideas of what my dream house needs to contain.

The #1 most important feature is the study/library. It needs a lot of bookshelves (filled with books, of course!) It needs big windows looking out over something green and pretty. It needs a fireplace with a La-Z-Boy in front of it -- which I hope to utilize on rainy days when all you want to do is curl up in front of a warm fireplace while the rain pounds the nearby window.

These rooms have bits and pieces of what I want. None of them are quite perfect, but they give the general idea!

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1 comment:

jill said...

Most of my home decor pinterest board is super creative ways to have amazing book shelves all over your house. Love it.