Friday, July 29, 2011

The Best Laid Plans...

"...The best laid schemes of mice and men, Go often askew..."
Robert Burns
"To A Mouse"

Despite my best intentions it has been a week since my last blog entry. I wish I could, in all truth, say that it was because every minute has been filled with exciting stories of saving lives, uplifting stories of good deeds, heartwarming stories of personal enrichment and selfless service or even just a plain old date or two. The truth is much more mundane however. While it is true that I have been on call 4 of the last 7 nights and things have certainly kept rollin' along at a brisk pace, that still leaves time that in which I was less than productive. I watched TV. I was feeling lazy/tired...sue me.

Tomorrow I head for Wisconsin. It has been a little over a year since I moved from the frozen tundra of the north to the arid Sahara of south Texas. Trips like this seem to be cause for a little nostalgia (at least they are for me). I remember when I got accepted to medical school in Milwaukee and nowhere else, I was a little disappointed. I didn't want to live in Milwaukee. My mental image of the city was an inner-city landscape of cement, pipes and smokestacks. Kind of like if the old Geneva Steel plant had been blown up to city size.

Ahhh...the ignorance of youth...

In short, those years in Milwaukee became some of the most meaningful and defining years of my life. The causes and reasons for this are many and I can't begin to touch on all of them but regardless, I'm beside-myself-excited to get back up there and see people and yes, even the city...(turns out Milwaukee is a gorgeous least it is in the spring/summer/fall. And as hard as this is for me to believe, the weather up there is better than it is down here right now, especially considering the AC in my car doesn't work). There will inevitably be more people I want to see and more things I want to do then I will have time for, but I'll take whatever I can get at this point! :)

OK, better go pack now...

1 comment:

Jared said...

We can't wait to welcome you back to the frozen tundra...or humid semi-warm tundra as the case may be. Looking forward to seeing you again