Deep(ish) Thotts
My name is Eric. This is where I let some of the clutter out of my head.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
All Good Things....
In attempting to start blogging regularly I realize that I run the risk of becoming "that person" (described so eloquently by the hilarious comedian Mike Birbiglia...if I can get this to work anyway)
(If the fancy embeded MP3 player above fails to work, you can find the clip I'm referring to at :
There are books that I would pay good good money to be able to read again for the first time. The James Herriott books come to mind. So does Ender's Game and a few other super nerdy books I will not embarrass myself by naming. At the top of this list, of course, lies the Harry Potter series. Through the miracle of modern technology and the good fortune of having this weekend off from work, I used my smart-phone while at work the other day to purchase a ticket for the last Harry Potter movie. I'm having bitter-sweet feelings because I'm confident I will love this movie, but at the same time it will be over. Yes, I know how it ends. I've read the series an embarrassing number of times and this ending is less bitter sweet than the one I experienced when the last book came out, but as the movie posters keep reminding me, "It All Ends Here"...
It makes me think back on the first time I read each of the books:
Book 1-3: When I got home from Australia in 2001 the first 4 books has already been published. I had never heard of them until returning home but I'm pretty sure it was the night of my arrival back in the USA when my aunt told me about them and got my curiosity peaked. I borrowed the first 3 books and (since I had not found a job yet) I went on a reading marathon. Book 1, done in one day. Book 2, done the next day. Book 3, done sometime around 2:30 the next morning (I barely slept that night. The sure sign of a good book).
Book 4: I went and did something "responsible" at this point (some might call it foolish) - I got a job - so Book 4 took me about 4 or 5 days to get through, though I did pull more than one 2:30am nights. Totally worth it.
At this point I had to join the rest of the world and wait for each book to be published before moving on...painful...
Book 5 came out the summer I was selling pest control in Dallas. I bought the book the next day and spent the bulk of the weekend reading instead of working real hard. I'm glad I got through it quick though because until I finished it, there was no way I was going to be a good salesman and make any money.
Book 6 happened the summer I was living in Logan, working as a CNA on the graveyard shift and taking a summer course in advanced calculus during the days (not sure when I slept). I took my "lunch break" (around midnight) and drove to Walmart to buy the book. I then slept even less for the next few days and totally neglected my calculus until I had finished. So worth it.
Now of all the memories from the previous 6 books, Book 7 holds a special place in my heart as one of the truly best days I can ever remember, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I was in medical school in Milwaukee and I joined the crowds in line at Walmart for the midnight sale. As soon as 12:01 hit we all rushed forward like a stampede of cattle to get our "cud". I got home a little after 1:00 and had to read chapter 1 before I could go to bed. I woke up at 6am to start again and thus began a day where I did nothing but eat, read, answer the call of nature and (at the end of the day when I knew I would have time to finish before going back to bed) watch an action movie with my bros. I remember one moment when I sat on the couch reading and a friend came in and was trying to convince us to go to "Irish Festival" with her (I really do miss all the ethnic festivals in Milwaukee) but I was in such a zone that I'm not sure I even looked up. I grunted something about how maybe Jonny would like to go, so ask him, and I just kept on reading. Not my finest moment ever but I can't promise I wouldn't do the same thing if Book 7 was coming out again for the first time...
That brings us to today. I guess all good things must come to an end at some point....really though, has anyone invented a machine that will help me forget the fact I've read the books 6 or 7 times and let me read them again for the first time? I'll pay good money!
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